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Wednesday, June 23

+ Does everyone get their karma equally to what they've done..?

Wujud tak persoalan di atas? Jwapan nya adalah ya. Sebab karma itu sendiri bermaksud balasan setimpal atas perbuatan sendiri. Normally bad things. Perbuatan yang jahat. Scary tak?Hahaha.. (gelak jahat.sick!)

Everybody did bad things. No denials. But not everyone had so many thoughts of the karma. I did. And that is my major problem. The situations were there and proven!

1. You are kind of popular at school (gile bajet nak mampos), and some boys are picking you. You slapped them at their faces without hesitation. And it were more than 5times. You never say sorry (zaman knak2 kne buli ok),and after it all past and you grow up, you got this eczema (google cpt kalau taktaw) for over 5years and the strange thing was, only your hand was infected. Defenitely the boy you slapped few years back who cursed you that. Oh Karma.

2. You always late for school. Late for assembly. Late for meetings. Late. Late. Late. Now that you teach, dont bother for excuses when your own students come late too. Its just the same excuses you used. Karma eh?

3. You did stupid-worse-regretable thing ever, (it wont be stated here). Now you worried this will do exactly the same to you or your beloved ones. Sad isnt it? the Karma.

But it still gonna happens if it written right? I just dont have to think too much of it. Sometimes its happen as a wake up call. To make you realise and rethink or regret about what have you done. I wish I realise it sooner.

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