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Saturday, September 25

+ Talk is cheap

So hold on to your words.

quote from "fall for you by second serenade"

Did you notice that the ABC song and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star have similar melody and ryhme and tone and whatever the music expert call it. They are same right? I know you're singing now to test it. :P

Okay. I got a job as tuition teacher now. It start this Monday 27th Sept and I wasnt really excited and to be honest I went for the job interview not feeling anything or any nervous or shaking and I passed. Shock? nahhhh....

Anyway, I'm complaining to en.hatimanis bout his delay-reply-text-msg habit. I cant stand it much longer these few days. For a partner like me who text and call her boy everyday, I cant tolerate any shock in the routine. The habit is fine but the shock of the routine plus the habit, that was totally messed up. I was messed up. I was really sensitive and while in showered I got all these thought and decided NOT to start any texting or calling. I want to wait for him to iniatiate that thingy from now on. PERIOD!

Well, it works. Hehehehehe....

Actually I shouldnt messed up my mind. Sometimes it may gets annoying but I heard the good news already and thats just calm me down and cheer me up a bit.
I REALLY hate your habit okay. huh!
Dont cancel bout you're coming this October or I'll cut the bil. Even I know I was the one who regret it. Sigh =.=''

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