Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, September 21

+ I dont know whats this feeling is but it sucks!!

I accidently found this in facebook. Oh I hate when something happen in facebook. Shit I do hate. Do you really compulsary have to crop a picture of a person and upload it large bright and clear?? And if its not cropped why you snap only him personally??? I hate this. Yeah I think this feeling is hate. I hate to see his individual photos in strangers account. That photo was a smile candid photo. And this strangers is fucking doing it purposely. Do I talking crap now? No. I am practically jealous now in case if you're asking why I'm talking like this. But, hello!! What a stalker. Why do you capture that photo anyway??? Moron. Eeuwww. Gelilah!

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