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Tuesday, September 21

+ Officially Engaged :D

After 7th day of Eid, I went beraya with Mimi and chat a lot of things. She also invited me to her engagement day this 6th November. I was totally happy for her and lil bit envy as she will become someone's fiancee soon. She confessed she was nervous as hell and feel awkwards when it come to discuss with her fiancee-to-be about the preparations. Me myself I will defenitely nervous too but too overhelming to feel awkwards. Who wont be proud to be called as someone's fiancee? I bet all girls do. Hahaha. :P Well, the actual proposal was made by the boy's father which mean her boyfriend didnt propose to her himself. So after the ceremony, she will be officially engaged to her boyfriend. Happy...hehehe :) 

In dramas or movies, a lady is becoming someone's fiancee when there was a declaration made. The declaration come along after she had agreed to his proposal. Thats mean, when he proposed, she said yes. Boyah, they're engaged! We have seen this in all romantic Hollywood movies. The stereotype way is when a guy kneels and took out a ring to propose his girlfriend. Some of them put it in ice cream desert to be found by the girlfriend which is very uncautious I think. She could get choke. And in Korean dramas, Personal Taste that guy propose in such a romantic way. I cant help but to tell this in details. Well, the couple was hang out at the park, dating, eating ice cream and they ride a two-handle-bicycle. Then the girlfriend sitting on a bench waiting for her boyfriend when suddenly a kid came by giving her a balloon. And another kid give her another balloon. And some other kids doing the same thing too. Until there were a bundle of balloons on her right hand up her head, the boyfriend came along with a balloon too but with a ring tied on the rope. When she take it with the left hand while he was saying to propose, she accidently release all the balloons. Hahaha. Poor thing. Luckily some of the balloons stuck under tree branches including the one with the ring. Of course they were trying to get that ring back. Its just funny how they working together for that. Funny, cute and so sweet. ^_____^

So engaged is ON when a couple made a declaration to marry one another. When he ask you to marry him and you said yes, yes and yes. Aww, feeling a bliss eh? Hahaha. Anyway, he believes that way. At least. Well, it doesnt harm anyone for me to daydream right? Hehe. Despite every confusions, I just wish we're together in love forever. :D

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