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Monday, September 20

+ I am pretty confident

Last time I checked I wasnt doing any "upgrades" with my brain. I did math but I was totally confused with functions and integrations. Even multiply and add. Oh my. I have to do something bout that. Brain rust, not good at all. But I think my brain got moldy already. Sigh =.=''

A month and 15 days ago, I graduated with a bachelor degree. I went for an interview near that time too. I dont want to talk about that day. Even he said I wasnt doing good at all. I think he thinks that I wasnt doing good at all. Reality, I was doing it worst ever. Slap me on my forehead. OK lets just cut it off. So, to be pessimist, I manageably buried those memoriable lesson. And as everyone could see I hanging in this house doing house chores every single day. Serve me right. Sounds like complaining? Well, it might be. But sometimes I just have rest all day long and sleep all day long. So that doesnt actually something to complaint. Haha

The point is, Sya had made a great deal to me. Staying with her in Ipoh. Wow. Thats where my-after-married-place-to-be. Ehem. I rushed for permission and it was a YES. Of course it is bcos thats kind of exciting for us okay. Haha. Actually I was agreed to Sya because I think it will become so nearby to him but then he changed mind. If I want to go make some money at that town, I have to wait for him to finish study which is next April 2011 so it would be more convenient for him to look me out. But my original thought was he will be able to look out for me if I work there now and thats just obviously not true. I must be too densely excited to think that two hours driving is logic to get to save me from anything. So its fine. There's nothing to be argue but its sweet that he said it. To look out for me. I'm pretty confident bout what he said. I mean bout what you'd said.

And you know what'd you said. I'll hold on that :P

I wish we're doing well in the future. Love you Aziem :)

Lets left out foot prints at I-City. I wanna go there like right now!! Hehe :D

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