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Thursday, July 1

+ Half in love with pocket money..?

Sapelah yang nak menolak rezeki kan? Everybody wants more money. But the affords is less. Same goes to myself. Last week in Dungun and Kuantan was tiring. So this whole weekdays is pretty fast moving. I had a sudden job interviewed and pass. Yet two days after I decline the job. I did want more pocket money. Nak shopping or pegi jenjalan ng kengkawan... :( But I was lazy to do any job out of my field study. ( an excuse actually) Well, staying home doing housework doesnt sounds lazy. I need to cook, sweep the floors, wash dishes, laundries, you name it. Tiring enough but only half day I guess. Hehe..And I'm half in love with my pocket money. Bcos it only cost Rm100-200 a month. Paying phone bill is already Rm98. Just how good to be half in love with it right?

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