Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, July 30

+ 557

From today
Its 3days to go
I'm going to see you in 3 more days
That day should be the 560th day
We have being together

I know these few days are sucks
The plan wasnt going well
The plan screwed
And I am feeling myself useless

I'd give us hopes
I'd make you worried
I'd complaints a lot
Yet you stay calm

But I can tell how you felt
Day by day of hoping
That we'll see each other
Now it seems hurting
Bcos the time envy us
Bcos I was telling things I shudnt
As it giving fake hopes
As it hurting you
As it hurting me too

I'm sorry....

Wednesday, July 28

+ Sesi memaki hamun

Nak maki sape ntah.
Tapi memang rase nak maki lah.
Kalau wujud mata ganjaran makian paling banyak
Kompem juara!yeehuuuu~~

Bodoh laa.
Beria dah beli tiket segale
Beria prepare segale
Beria excited segale
Benci ahhh..

1.Tiket (37hinggit) pergi sana(5-6jam perjalanan30hb7
2.Ambik jubah 31hb7 jam1500
3.Temuduga terulung kat sini 2hb8
4.Rehearsal kat sana balik 3hb8

1.Kena tukar tiket dari 30julai ke 2ogos lepas temuduga
2.Kena merayu ngan sape2 amekkan jubah nak kene isi borang hape2 ntah
3.Kena pegi rehearsal sendirian yang rasanya elok takpayah pegi
4.Kena tahan diri takboleh jenjalan
5.Penat *****

wajib memaki kan..?

*paling sdey xdapat spent mase wif en.hatimanes

Sunday, July 25

+ travelling la sangat..

Penat amat.
Penat amat sangat.

Jumaat pagi gerak.

Lepak kat hotel Hyatt.
Camne ntah nak sebut nye.


Check in dalam jam5 petang.
Malamnya tuju EastCost Mall.
Pusing-pusing turun naik.
Bedal Black Canyon Coffee.
Bedal Donut from BigApple.


Saturday morning.
Sarapan jam730 pagi
Taram semua sekali.
Kenyang perot lepak pantai.
Bau pantai yang best
Pasir sejuk tak pernah rasa
Lari-lari celup kaki tangan
Jam9 lebih sikit baru ingat bilik
Sebab perot meragam
Pengsan kat bilik

Petang nya pegi tengok Ipah.
Mama takde.
Yaya je.
Sangat ingat jalan.
Senang sebab kali ni otak pikap.
Bawak makan KFC.
Dia sorang je yang makan.
Bawak naik bilik jumpe mama.
Dah abes program
Hantar Ipah semula.
Belok pegi EC Mall lagi
Tak sampai 15minit parking pon taksempat charge
Keluar balik.

Malam tu pegi Tanjung Lumpur.
Makan seafood la konon.
Biase je macam kat Penang.
Tak awesome sangat.
Balik tido.
Tak aci takdapat tgk.
Soccerres Apperentice.

Pagi Ahad breakfast.
Kali ni hati-hati.
Nanti perot ngengade lagi.
Pegi makan durian.
Yaya nak berenang.
Konon nye padahal kecebur2
Berape kali sgt la kuak nya.

Gerak balik.
Singgah Dungun.
Sepanjang journey
Drive 4jam lebih.
Radio asek pasang The Only Exception

Hari-hari teringin.
Hari-hari berangan.
Nak layan bende laen dari laen.
Dengan en.hatimanis.
Hari-hari tau.
Tak tipu.

Tuesday, July 20

+ thank you

for loving me
for making me happy
for being in my life

for standing by me
Yes, you!
I choose to love you
Like you choose to love me

Thank YOU

Click here for mood.LOL

Sunday, July 18

+ nice day to share :)

Today went out with Sya was tiring but exciting. hehe :)
I didnt spent on anything. haha xD
Sya paid for everything. nghee :D
Nice seeing oldfriend Nida. hee ;D
Everyone ask bout facebook. ughh ;|
I need more time for confidence. huhu :\

GTG now.Daa~ :P

Saturday, July 17

+ Give it all away...

See video here

I ..... I will learn to live before I die
will learn to love and learn to try
not to give it all away (give it all away)

She ... she may be
the one that's meant for me
or for the man that I used to be (used to be)
til' I gave it all away (gave it all away)


why hy hy I lay my heart down on the floor
I showed you love, you wanted more
but I gave it all away (cry ry ry ry cry ry r)

you taught me to see the better truth
about yourself but about me too (about me too)
I was stupid over you
what could I do


why hy hy I lay my heart down on the floor
I showed you love, you wanted more
but I gave it all away (cry ry ry ry cry ry)

some people wait a lifetime for a chance like this
I've waited enough
baby, no, I won't let you go
I'm sick of tears and being fierce
(I won't let go of you, I won't let go of you, of you, of you)


why hy hy I lay my heart down on the floor
I showed you love, you wanted more
but I gave it all away (cry ry ry ry cry ry)
there's nothing left to take (cry ry ry ry)

I gave it all away

See video here

Wednesday, July 14

+ Graduation's day around the corner

+ found this in tumblr. Once awhile, THIS will crawl to mymind.

"I don’t expect you to text me 24/7. I don’t expect you to call me everyday. I don’t expect you to put me in front of your boys. I don’t expect you to ditch all your girl best friends for me. I don’t expect you to surprise me with roses. I don’t expect you to buy me the world on my birthday. I don’t expect you to always agree with what I say. I don’t expect you to pay for everything. I don’t expect you to go out of your way and buy all the things that I mention I wanted. I don’t expect you to put me over your family. I don’t expect you to brag about me to all your friends. I don’t expect you to keep all your promises. I don’t expect you to believe I’m the best girlfriend in the whole world. I don’t expect you to stop checking out other girls. I don’t expect you to never mention a hot girl in front of me. I don’t expect you to already know what I want. I don’t expect you to never be mad at me. I just expect you to be trustworthy, to trust me, to never take me for granted like I won’t take you for granted, to always be real with me, to keep equality between us, and to love me. "

+ I cant help it anymore

Why do I always hv this feeling....???

+ the exact reason is.......

Tuesday, July 13

Monday, July 12

Sunday, July 11

+ Long distance is hard to keep

Lari Jarak Jauh.
Acara 5000km.

Semua aku pernah buat.
Susah. Seriously.
Need effort, patience, and determination.
With one goal. Fuhhh.

Fortunately,I have those for you.
For ours.

To trust and to love.Thats all we need.

+ Bila masing-masing meninggi diri

Bila semua nak rasa hebat
Bila semua nak paling tinggi
Memang tak akan sama paras
Masing-masing berlumba menjingkit kaki
Tengok siapa yang paling tinggi

Kasihan pada yang azali lemah
Azali kerdil di tepian

Andai kata sama-sama merendah diri
Menyusun paras sama tinggi
Menunduk antara satu sama lain
Kita boleh menjadi sama

*aku tak tahu apa motif sebenar entry ni. Excited nampak gambar atas tu.

+ Thank goodness we have Google translations.lol

"Yes.rase I can not blah such that now. I do not have their own money and I can not do anything about it. Once again , loose suh keje lazy. And once again, not lazy, but I can and I do not nag. Actually right, I want to duet okeh. Non Millions of Dollars a pound. For this moment , the pound RM3000 is enough . "
"Ya. Saya rase tak boleh blah dengan keadaan sekarang. Saya tak punya wang sendiri dan saya tak dapat berbuat apa-apa mengenainya. Sekali lagi, sape suh malas keje. Dan sekali lagi, bukan saya malas tapi tak boleh dan saya hampeh. Sebenarnya kan, I nak duet okeh. Bukan millions of Ringgit pon. For this moment, bagi RM3000 pon cukup lah."
Hahahaha. sangat kelakar. xDDDDD
Seriously, tak tahu pulak bila translate boleh jadi macam ni. Hahahaha. Tapi tak apa lah. Saya nak cuba tulis bahasa yang betul. Dan gatal tangan translate lagi. Dan ketawa lagi. Hahahaha. Nasib baik lah tak ada siapa yang baca blog aku ni. Hahahaha. (tak-bole-benti). Mari kita translate entry ni. Hahahaha. Hahahaha

*yang ori pun dah macam salin balik je lepas translate. bodoh gila. Hahahaha

Friday, July 9

+ A day of family outing

It's saturday,8:02am in the morning. Eating some left over frenchfries from last dinner. Actually I slept around 4:15am last night. Just laid on the bed talking and laughing with my younger sis. I dont have much thing to write at this rate. Feeling like going out today. A family outing would be nice.

*still craving for some money.stil in shopping mood.

Wednesday, July 7

+ Buah tangan dari France : Seronnnnn ^_^

Sebagai penganggur atasan kat rumah, aku jarang2 pegi jenjalan. Gaji seciput rm200 yang ayah aku kasik minggu lpas tersimpan lagik. Tapi riwayat die tak lama dalam dompet aku. Semalam jumpe cik Emiey yang best. Beliau baru balik dari France ok. Bau lagi eiffel tower.bwahaha. Pas amek adek aku kat sekolah, teros laju ke mall. Bajet pusing2 mall dengan Emiey sekali dgn budak pkai baju skolah tak berape seronn lah. Tapi sebenarnya best jugak. Si adik aku ni ade pekdah nya bawak g mall. Kira membantu la tang aku nak beli baju ke hape ke sebab dia rajin bagi pendapat. Naseb duet seciput je. rm200 tu memang lesap la. Lagi satu, sebab dia pakai baju sekolah yang ada poket macam doreamon pnya, aku boleh suh dia bawak kunci kete pin kerongsang dan segale bagai. Hehe. Pastu dapat pulak buah tangan dari France cik Emiey kasik. Perfume babe. Tambah lak keychain Eiffel tower yang kiut miut. Jeles tak? Hekhekhek. Semalam aku lesapkan rm200 tu dengan beg vintage yang semua org kutuk macam taste org tua. ( vintage ok) mak aku pon kutuk same. Naseb en.hatimanes support komen oldschool abes. Wehehe.. Kira beg tu item the bomb la yang aku shopping. Pastu blouse krim bunga oren purple selai, cardigan hitam labuh bawah butt selai, and tudung gaye tudung Ariani kaler purple gelap. Kain tudung tu cun jugak. Murah pulak tuh. Nanti aku nak pegi beli kaler kelabu lak. Ingat nak bangga riak upload item2 rm200 kat sini tapi dah takdir mmg takboleh. Selamat aku, takde la dapat dosa riak takbur kan? Tapi nak cakap jugak la. Bangga sket dapat buah tangan dari France. Ehek2

*Seron = seronok

Saturday, July 3

+ Saya rase tak boleh blah sekarang ni.

Ya. Saya rase tak boleh blah dengan keadaan sekarang. Saya tak punya wang sendiri dan saya tak dapat berbuat apa-apa mengenainya. Sekali lagi, sape suh malas keje. Dan sekali lagi, bukan saya malas tapi tak boleh dan saya hampeh. Sebenarnya kan, I nak duet okeh. Bukan millions of Ringgit pon. For this moment, bagi RM3000 pon cukup lah. (banyak kot.hehe) Sebab saya ada list nak kene lengkapkan. List yang berha-wanaf-su. :P

PERTAMA: nak beli baju kemeja bunga2 oversize. kaler puteh corak bunga2nya kaler biru torquoise. Kemudian beli seluar kaler same dgn bunga sbb konon macam matching. Pastu tudung lak takpasti lagi. Tapi rase nak beli tudung awning Ariani kot. Kaler ofcos same cam seluar. Gile takboleh blah. Agagaga..
(contoh corak jela kan)

KEDUA: Nak beli beli handphone baru yang original dan tahan lasak lagi padu dgn giga-giga memorycard. Sebab nak letak gamba en.hatimanes byk2 pastu letak ringtone feveret byk2. Pastu ade 3G segale boleh videocall pastu wifi free2 tgk facebook ke lookbook ke.(senanye nak iphone).ok dah.

KETIGA: Handphone tadi dah. Ni nak Handbag pulak. Handbag kaler kuneng mcm dlm gamba kat tepi sebelah kanan tuh. Pastu lagi satu nak kaler coklat cair mcm kaler mud. Takpun macam kaler kulit lembu. Ntah. Rase macam menarik. Pastu padankan sekali dengan heels kaler same. Gladiator sandal pon ok. Mane2lah kalau jumpe dan bekenan. Kate ade Rm3000.Mmg takboleh blah.

KEEMPAT: Event penting bulan depan iaitu hari convocation. Wajib ada camera yang berpixel tinggi. Nak snap byk2 pakai jubah konvo pepel purple. Snap bersama yang tersayang. Hee

KELIMA: Ini sepatotnya yang pertama kot. Tapi takpelah. Nak cari baju lawa gile untuk konvo. Baju yang bila pakai rase bangga-baju-aku-plg-lawa berbanding org laen dalam hall nak amek skrol tuh. Idea asal nak baju kurung moden warna puteh dengan corak bunge merah pekat. (mcm pic kat bwh.source:google)Tapi datang pulak idea gambaran baju kurung plain kaler hijau pekat. Fuh. Macam cun je. Tak boleh blah.

KEENAM: Bila jumpe en.hatimanes nnt, nak bagi hadiah kat die. So nak belikan hadiah le. Dari dulu mmg nak carikan jaket eh blazer keh ape2 lah. Dalam imaginasi, design ni tak ade pon bila google. Rase macam kene design tempah sendiri pulak. Takboleh blah.

KETUJUH: Erm..6bende jadah ni,dah abes keh ha RM3000? Agaknya macam takcukup jek. Okeh. Yang ketujuh tambah duet lagi RM2000.

A'ah,boleh blah.

+ Dont cry for me Argentina..

So, laugh then! Hahahaha..lots and lots of pple crying for argentina last night,including mr.sweetheart..kasihan.. :P Sorry to say but I'm proud of Germany..4-0 is just awesome victory.. ^___^

Friday, July 2

Thursday, July 1

+ Half in love with pocket money..?

Sapelah yang nak menolak rezeki kan? Everybody wants more money. But the affords is less. Same goes to myself. Last week in Dungun and Kuantan was tiring. So this whole weekdays is pretty fast moving. I had a sudden job interviewed and pass. Yet two days after I decline the job. I did want more pocket money. Nak shopping or pegi jenjalan ng kengkawan... :( But I was lazy to do any job out of my field study. ( an excuse actually) Well, staying home doing housework doesnt sounds lazy. I need to cook, sweep the floors, wash dishes, laundries, you name it. Tiring enough but only half day I guess. Hehe..And I'm half in love with my pocket money. Bcos it only cost Rm100-200 a month. Paying phone bill is already Rm98. Just how good to be half in love with it right?