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Sunday, December 26

dae woong ahh :'(


Last weekend I went home with three missions. Renew my driving license, buy a pair of sport shoes, and bring back scouts' uniform. I failed all three. ''Slumber-ly'' I just hang out in my room and finished the final episode of Korean Drama "My Girlfriend is Nine-tailed Fox". The last two episodes were so much emotional because Dae- woong made wrong decision. Supposed, Dae-woong cannot return Mi Ho's bead until 100th day but he did it on 50th day. Thus she had mixed human chi-blood which was dangerous. Dae-woong was told by Dong Ju to leave her alone as to make her forget about becoming human and slowly decrease the toxic chi-blood. So Dae-woong decide to do it as told and not telling Mi Ho anything. What makes this more sad, Dae-woong just left her alone without knowing Mi Ho also decided to take out the bead and she continue dying painfully. Dae-woong should ask her first so that they can discuss and make decision together. Now Dae-woong just left her hoping she would recover but on the other side, she's just dying thinking that Dae-woong wont be back again and yes she decide to just DIE. Can somebody tell them whose gonna regret after this? BOTH okay! Grrr....  This is really a bad review.. Sigh

I'm thinking a lot these few days. And it was something I dont like. I felt unprotected and uncared. I wish for impossible things which makes me more hopeless. I wasnt any good in saying words and how I feel. But how I felt right now, just an empty smile.

Thursday, December 23

u guys already own a blog,seriously??

Lets just forget how lazy I am to update this little blog. With all posting stuff that happen this last two months, surprisingly now its gonna open season again. School sessions I mean. Well, as for today Friday at this particular office hour, I figured out all my sisters had create their own blog. Seriously? When did you guys start having the thoughts to seriously have one? At early age of 13 eh? Seriously? Okay. The "seriously" word is annoyed because I type her repeatedly. Anyway, you guys don't have to answer me. But seriously?? haishh =.=''

Me, myself. Never thought to share this blabbering blog to my family. (cross fingers okay!) Not with anyone I know on this earth. (except encik hatimanes). Not a preferable choice because some of my entries are not suitable for them to read =.='' And yet my sis already became the follower. What?? Duhhhh~~!! Fine. Just read and swallow. Telan sendiri-sendiri okay. Jangan nge-ngade nak cerita sana sini pulak. Sekeh nanti huh! Yaya pulak, haishh~ Macam bole dibanggakan write in English. Still, this is not something I cherish. Maybe later I'll change my mind. Maybe post everyday life entry. Maybe just shut this off. Besides, all my post are not readable entries which were quit not readable for them of course. I'm lacking of words now cos I've got to go. 

Sisters: (sing like 'Santa is Coming to town' song)
You better watch out, you better watch out. 
You better not telling mom bout this blog
Cos your sister is coming home now~~

Ahem. Bye!

Thursday, December 9

Killing me softly

Its the worst nightmare. I can picture the whole scene clearly until now. A heartbroken inside me, I never felt in my consciousness before. Harsh one. Its for another girl. Describes to be even better than me. It got into me really deep as I woke up crying. I can still feel it here in my chest and it cant be ride off. Its like a sudden wake up call. Like a whisper flying through my ears giving reminders. Hazard reminder. Dammit, screw you nightmare!!

Tuesday, November 16

Simple quiz yet interesting :)

Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.

The seriousness of your love:
Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates.

Your views on education:
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.

How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.

What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.

Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.
TRY yourself here quiz

Tuesday, November 2

+ Seram geli

This is serious punya seram geli okay. Tiga malam lepas, reptilia panjang bersisik sesat dalam rumah. Panjang lebih 60cm kot. Lebar sebesar ibu jari. Malam tu hujan lebat sangat lah sampai siaran astro pon sangkut. Dah la tengah layan cerita hantu Thailand kat astro prima. Lagi 15minit nak habis teros shut down. Ceit. Jadi aku tukar mood nak layan Ghost Whisperer Season 2 kat pc niha. Elok je aku duduk bukak folder, aku angkat sebelah kaki kiri naik atas kerusi. Tinggal la kaki kanan kat bawah dan saat tu aku rase macam ada something bergesel kat tumit kaki. Sejuk. Aku angkat kaki konon nak sapu tepis rase sejuk tadi. Lepas tu, ingat nak letak kaki kat bawah balik tapi tak jadi. Mata yang dari tadi tenung Jennifer Love Hewitt beralih ke bawah tempat letak kaki. TU dia. Aku nampak. Teros melompat semeter dari kerusi. Sambil meloncat-loncat sapu kaki sebab terase kegelian yg amat, sambil tu aku jerit panggil mak aku. Tapi suara hujan lebat kat luar kacau line. Aku terpekik terlolong pon mak aku tak dengar da. Hadoii.. Naseb baik lah telefon rumah ada kat sebelah. Aku capai teros dail nombor handphone dia. Lepas terkejut dengar aku explain segala, mak aku turun laju-laju dari tingkat atas. Tapi dia tak sempat amek cermin mata. Maka tak tersaksi sangat lah rupa reptilia panjang bersisik tadi. Mulut je dok tanya mana mana. Hadehh.. Lepas tu dua-dua sama je takot tak tahu nak setel macam mana. Tibe- tibe mahluk tu menjalar ke pintu bilik adik aku. Aiseh, makin gelabah. Macam muat je kalau nak menyusup kot bawah pintu kan. Sepantas kilat mak aku pergi amek batang penyapu tapi dia dok ketuk-ketuk lantai je konon halau la. Mana nak berganjak ma wei. Aku pon rembat batang penyapu tu pastu approach and tolak mahluk alah tu laju-laju. Perghh dia marah da. Kepala pon dah terangkat naek. Relaks relaks. Mak aku tarik aku takot kena pelatok kan. Gelabah sampai suruh aku ketuk kepala mahluk tuh. Attempt nak bunuh lak kan. Hish, dalam hati aku tak boleh tak boleh. Aku cakap "Nanti sape nak buang bangkai ni ma?". Dia cakap itu belakang kira. Ceh. Apa pon aku tetap pikir tak boleh bunuh der. Aku ingat ada orang cakap takboleh bunuh sembarangan takot nanti jadi ape ntah. Heh. Then, mak aku call jiran tapi tak berjawab. Semua dah tido la ma. Dia pening. Sesame baca ape yang patot dan mak aku cakap kat mahluk tu suruh keluar dari rumah ni. Cubaan untuk berkomunikasi dan negotiate. Mintak sangat keluar dari rumah ni. Tapi gua cakap same lu, dia degil. Grrr... 4,5kali aku kena tolak-tolak kepala dia nak guide ke pintu tapi dia buat keras je. Selang beberapa minit dia menyusur sendiri ke pintu, laju je. Kejap lepas tu dia datang balik. Aduhai.. Apa da masalah kau? Mak aku call sepupu dia. Pakcik sepupu aku la kan. Beliau bukak kedai makan malam-malam camni. Alhamdulillah ada jugak penyelamat akhirnya. Sementara tunggu beliau sampai, si mahluk tadi dah menyorok kat bawah sofa ke tepi langsir ke dah tak nampak dah. Masa beliau sampai, aku masok bilik menenangkan diri. Kecoh jugak aku dengar. Gaya macam ada berlaku pertumpahan darah. Heh. Yang pasti aku terase geli amat kat kaki niha. Tangan tak habis-habis dok sapu-sapu kaki yang terang-terang takde pape masalah pon. Mata pulak tak berhenti melilau sekeliling. Aku rasa cam trauma pon ada. Kenkadang aku terbayang kepala mahluk tadi keluar dari celah mana-mana. Adoyai.. Then, aku teringat minggu lepas aku ada mimpi reptilia panjang bersisik. Dalam mimpi tu, aku kena gigit kat betis kanan. Sedar dari mimpi aku cuak jugak tapi time tu teringat konon kalau anak dara mimpi ular, konon nak kahwin. Perghh. Sekarang aku seram lebih dari seram terbayang hantu malam-malam. Waa..takot~~ :( Malam tu setel dengan pembunuhan dan aku tukang cuci darah di tempat kejadian. CIss..

Sejak kejadian tu, aku fobia kalau terase secuit pon kat kaki. Bila masok mana-mana bilik atau beralih dari mana-mana ruang, aku akan check dan mata pon melilau segenap sudut. Even masok tandas lagi la sebab ruang terhad nya, mangkuk nye. Aku dah berimaginasi macam-macam dah. Tidur malam pon takot nak tutup lampu. Nak kemas rumah lap-lap celah mana-mana pon tek berani. Dalam kepala otak terbayang kepala menyudu reptilia panjang bersisik. Huk :'((

Saturday, October 30

Recently in love with Oxford shoes and heels

I create three drafts of entry but still not post them yet. All of them were emotional post. Pardon me. Anyway this post is about shoes. FYI, I love shoes and I cant hardly count my shoes at this moment. Too lazy and I'm sure most of the ladies out there cant barely count their shoes either. Normal. ^__^

So these are my current choices of shoes. Drop dead gorgeous okay! LOL











Please take me to the stores right now.
I'm dying to have one of those. Especially that adorable #1, #4 and smoking #8

Another thing is I'm planning to buy oversized shirt too. I dont know how its gonna suit me. Overskinny with oversized shirt? Hurm...

Ok. I'll just buy one on this weekend. :)

Speaking of weekends, I was drooling for Seoul Garden. And of course meeting my precious too. I missed him so bad. Still do and he's not replying my text msg again. Really annoying habit of his =.=" Back then,I was scared to ask for permission from my parents. Actually I always afraid to do that. It wasnt something easy. I hate to feel disappointed. I'll definitely cry of it. But since the timing is matter, I'd ask my mom after she came back outstation. A total ban. "Mengade-ngade". Thats what she said. She was never gonna approve me going anywhere for a trip. Never. I hate it..!!! Whats more to hate, she nagging bout this thing the whole day and telling everyone on each conversation she had on that day. As such I had done terrible things. Real disappoint and anger okay! I wont begging for the NO to turn YES, so dont bother dragging it any longer. Pffttttt~~!!

Saturday, October 2

+ what?

So what does it mean? Haishh..

Friday, October 1

+ hate that i love you so...

Apesal bole jadi camni? Beria kot bengang nanges semalam. Beria je tunggu call yang takde langsung. Beria je ber-ego gile takmau cari dulu. Beria rase terabai. Memang diabaikan pon. Memang takde nak amek kesah pon. Langsung takde detik keh nak tekan butang hijau kat phone tuh? At least type msg ke kan? Huh. Geram. Finally bila dapat call, sembang sikit je padahal, teros hati cair. I just need to know was he never thought of me? Shit. Kejam. Perlu keh nak torture hati ni selame tuh? Perlu keh biar lantak kan diri macam ni. Benci. One call and I melt. His answer that he actually HAVING the thought to call or message me just swept all my sadness away. =_=''

[takmo kawan!]

Thursday, September 30

+ I love when you..

I was gonna post the entry with the correct content.
But I am sad right now. Plus I couldnt think of any title.
This couple weeks had being bit tough for me.
I feel fragile.

I have news. The KPM's interviews result came out and I made it
But it doesnt make me happy enough
Nothing could ever make me happy other than you.
But you couldnt care less. Could you?

I was too sad. I love you.

Saturday, September 25

+ Talk is cheap

So hold on to your words.

quote from "fall for you by second serenade"

Did you notice that the ABC song and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star have similar melody and ryhme and tone and whatever the music expert call it. They are same right? I know you're singing now to test it. :P

Okay. I got a job as tuition teacher now. It start this Monday 27th Sept and I wasnt really excited and to be honest I went for the job interview not feeling anything or any nervous or shaking and I passed. Shock? nahhhh....

Anyway, I'm complaining to en.hatimanis bout his delay-reply-text-msg habit. I cant stand it much longer these few days. For a partner like me who text and call her boy everyday, I cant tolerate any shock in the routine. The habit is fine but the shock of the routine plus the habit, that was totally messed up. I was messed up. I was really sensitive and while in showered I got all these thought and decided NOT to start any texting or calling. I want to wait for him to iniatiate that thingy from now on. PERIOD!

Well, it works. Hehehehehe....

Actually I shouldnt messed up my mind. Sometimes it may gets annoying but I heard the good news already and thats just calm me down and cheer me up a bit.
I REALLY hate your habit okay. huh!
Dont cancel bout you're coming this October or I'll cut the bil. Even I know I was the one who regret it. Sigh =.=''

Tuesday, September 21

+ Sudden nervous at this time

I changed our status in facebook just now. Without him knowing this action. There were some responses and I was suddenly nervous. I have no idea why. A bit confidence yet still afraid I guess. Obviously I was making a quick move to do that but its becos I was getting tense by these thoughts. The ideas that those chicks trying to be charm and threaten me and my feelings and actually put me as a jealous girlfriend fiancee girlfriend fiancee. Okay thats it. I admit I was too obsessed with "fiancee" word. But hey, at least they will respect someone's fiancee. Right?

No turn back now sweetheart.  
(somekind of warning :P)

+ I dont know whats this feeling is but it sucks!!

I accidently found this in facebook. Oh I hate when something happen in facebook. Shit I do hate. Do you really compulsary have to crop a picture of a person and upload it large bright and clear?? And if its not cropped why you snap only him personally??? I hate this. Yeah I think this feeling is hate. I hate to see his individual photos in strangers account. That photo was a smile candid photo. And this strangers is fucking doing it purposely. Do I talking crap now? No. I am practically jealous now in case if you're asking why I'm talking like this. But, hello!! What a stalker. Why do you capture that photo anyway??? Moron. Eeuwww. Gelilah!

+ Officially Engaged :D

After 7th day of Eid, I went beraya with Mimi and chat a lot of things. She also invited me to her engagement day this 6th November. I was totally happy for her and lil bit envy as she will become someone's fiancee soon. She confessed she was nervous as hell and feel awkwards when it come to discuss with her fiancee-to-be about the preparations. Me myself I will defenitely nervous too but too overhelming to feel awkwards. Who wont be proud to be called as someone's fiancee? I bet all girls do. Hahaha. :P Well, the actual proposal was made by the boy's father which mean her boyfriend didnt propose to her himself. So after the ceremony, she will be officially engaged to her boyfriend. Happy...hehehe :) 

In dramas or movies, a lady is becoming someone's fiancee when there was a declaration made. The declaration come along after she had agreed to his proposal. Thats mean, when he proposed, she said yes. Boyah, they're engaged! We have seen this in all romantic Hollywood movies. The stereotype way is when a guy kneels and took out a ring to propose his girlfriend. Some of them put it in ice cream desert to be found by the girlfriend which is very uncautious I think. She could get choke. And in Korean dramas, Personal Taste that guy propose in such a romantic way. I cant help but to tell this in details. Well, the couple was hang out at the park, dating, eating ice cream and they ride a two-handle-bicycle. Then the girlfriend sitting on a bench waiting for her boyfriend when suddenly a kid came by giving her a balloon. And another kid give her another balloon. And some other kids doing the same thing too. Until there were a bundle of balloons on her right hand up her head, the boyfriend came along with a balloon too but with a ring tied on the rope. When she take it with the left hand while he was saying to propose, she accidently release all the balloons. Hahaha. Poor thing. Luckily some of the balloons stuck under tree branches including the one with the ring. Of course they were trying to get that ring back. Its just funny how they working together for that. Funny, cute and so sweet. ^_____^

So engaged is ON when a couple made a declaration to marry one another. When he ask you to marry him and you said yes, yes and yes. Aww, feeling a bliss eh? Hahaha. Anyway, he believes that way. At least. Well, it doesnt harm anyone for me to daydream right? Hehe. Despite every confusions, I just wish we're together in love forever. :D

Monday, September 20

+ I am pretty confident

Last time I checked I wasnt doing any "upgrades" with my brain. I did math but I was totally confused with functions and integrations. Even multiply and add. Oh my. I have to do something bout that. Brain rust, not good at all. But I think my brain got moldy already. Sigh =.=''

A month and 15 days ago, I graduated with a bachelor degree. I went for an interview near that time too. I dont want to talk about that day. Even he said I wasnt doing good at all. I think he thinks that I wasnt doing good at all. Reality, I was doing it worst ever. Slap me on my forehead. OK lets just cut it off. So, to be pessimist, I manageably buried those memoriable lesson. And as everyone could see I hanging in this house doing house chores every single day. Serve me right. Sounds like complaining? Well, it might be. But sometimes I just have rest all day long and sleep all day long. So that doesnt actually something to complaint. Haha

The point is, Sya had made a great deal to me. Staying with her in Ipoh. Wow. Thats where my-after-married-place-to-be. Ehem. I rushed for permission and it was a YES. Of course it is bcos thats kind of exciting for us okay. Haha. Actually I was agreed to Sya because I think it will become so nearby to him but then he changed mind. If I want to go make some money at that town, I have to wait for him to finish study which is next April 2011 so it would be more convenient for him to look me out. But my original thought was he will be able to look out for me if I work there now and thats just obviously not true. I must be too densely excited to think that two hours driving is logic to get to save me from anything. So its fine. There's nothing to be argue but its sweet that he said it. To look out for me. I'm pretty confident bout what he said. I mean bout what you'd said.

And you know what'd you said. I'll hold on that :P

I wish we're doing well in the future. Love you Aziem :)

Lets left out foot prints at I-City. I wanna go there like right now!! Hehe :D

Tuesday, September 14

+ Oh bulan, oh tahun, laju-laju la sikit.

Laju-laju apehal?
Mana mahu pergi?
Tak kira,tak kira
Nak laju-laju biar sampai bulan September tahun depan.

He He He He


 We born on SAME date according to Islamic Calender
but of course in different year
its 1 Sya'aban :D
i discovered this here not long ago
 SO if macam nak gediks nak ikut
Should be in
Year2011: 3rd July
Year2012: 21st June
Year2013: ...

Isk, nak meleret-leret pulak kan.
Paling lambat tahun 2012
Kata beliau ok :P
Tapi kan,
Tarikh 1 Sya'ban ni tak best pulak dalam kalendar biasa
Well..Lets just pray for happy ending beginning :)
People said, marriage is just the starting ok?


+ Awak....

Saya macam dah lupakan awak pulak.
Dah lama sangat saya tak tegur awak kan?
Saya mitak maaf ye awak.
Selalunya saya tak macam ni.
Saya akan ceritakan semua kat awak.
Tapi kali ni saya tak ingat langsung pasal awak.
Ada sebab kenapa jadi macam ni
Bukan saya nak bagi alasan semata-mata
Tapi wak...

Saya beria sangat buat persediaan Aidilfitri.
Awak sabar jela yea. Awak buat seat back and relax je.
Saya yakin betul awak tak sambut raya, tak bancuh doh biskut.
Tapi awak jangan risau sangat eh?
Esok luse tulat nanti saya cerita semua kat awak.
Termasok cerita saya tak tidur pada malam raya.
Selamat hari raya kelima, blog shedonttalk.
Kesian awak takboleh cakap.

PS: Saya normal.

Tuesday, August 31

+ Love The Way You Lie

Pheww.Lagu ni sangat dalam. So deep. Bunyi tajuk sarkastik amat. Tapi video klip nya memang kena. Whole story of the video definitely bukan sebab Carlie(Lost) tu curang dengan Megan Fox. Memang la kat tangan Charlie ada nama Cindy and number phone minah tu tapi Megan tuh cepat sangat melenting. Mungkin ada sebab lain jugak Megan melenting laju2. Kot la sebelom ni Charlie dah byk kali curang ke kan. Tapi tu kes laen la. Kita assume jela Megan ni kuat melenting. So bila dah melenting hal yang taktahu akar pokok, mula la nak bantai itu-ini. Asal gadoh je nak ganas kan. Dah ada ganas disitu ada sakit. Asalnya there's no lie or cheat or whatsoever tapi dah temper masing-masing mcm takboleh nak bwk mengucap. Alih-alih camni la jadinya. Yang kanan jerit. Yang kiri melaung. KOmpem maki hamun carut semua lah keluar. Pastu dah mula tepuk tampar pulak. Tumbuk dinding naseb baek lagi. Ni pipi gebu Megan pon kene tarah jugak. Hadoi.. Relationship yang diklasifikasi sbg disfunctional. Abuses. Pastu bila masing-masing diam, pikir. Sakit sedih memang ada tapi "love" melekat kuat. She doesnt leave him. Even Charlie try to leave, passion diorang masih ada. Kalau tak, takdenye nak try kiss-kiss lagi dah. Dah siap gadoh tahap bakar rumah, last skali kiss jugak. SO this is where the lies start. Konon si Charlie tu promise dah tak mau lay his hand on her lagi or pukul segala. But it happens again and again.  Maybe Megan boleh "blah" lagi la dengan Charlie tu sebab Megan never want him to leave her. Naseb la kalau dua-dua genetik hot temper. Mungkin dalam hati dua-dua sama parah, tapi kat luar Megan tetap lagi parah dari Charlie. Takde nya mampu si Megan tuh nak lawan. Heh~ Apepon Eminem punya luahan mewakili Charlie dan Rihanna punya part mewakili perasaan Megan. Tapi sampai bila nak macam tu. Kang nanti dah kawen anak-anak tgk fiil mcm ni. Ish ish. Tak elok nok. Takpe itu tak penting. Jom nyanyi sama sebelom diorang kawen tak pasal-pasal"
[Chorus - Rihanna]

Just gonna stand there and watch me burn
Well that's all right because I like the way it hurts
Just gonna stand there and hear me cry
Well that's all right because I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie
[Eminem - Verse 1]

I can't tell you what it really is, I can only tell you what it feels like
And right now it's a steel knife in my windpipe
I can't breathe but I still fight while I can fight
As long as the wrong feels right it's like I'm in flight
High off her love, drunk from my hate, it's like I'm huffin' pain
And I love it the more I suffer, I suffocate
And right before I'm about to drown, she resuscitates me, she f**kin' hates me
And I love it, "wait, where you goin'?"
"I'm leavin' you," "no you ain't come back"
We're runnin' right back, here we go again

So insane, cause when it's goin' good it's goin' great
I'm superman with the wind at his back, she's Lois Lane
But when it's bad it's awful, I feel so ashamed I snap
Whose that dude? I don't even know his name
I laid hands on her
I'll never stoop so low again

I guess I don't know my own strength

[Eminem - Verse 2]

You ever love somebody so much you can barely breathe
When you with em you meet and neither one of you even know what hit em
Got that warm fuzzy feeling
Yeah them chills used to get em

Now you're getting f**kin' sick of lookin' at em
You swore you'd never hit em, never do nothin' to hurt em
Now you're in each other's face spewin' venom in your words when you spit em
You push pull each other's hair
Scratch claw hit em throw em down pin em
So lost in the moments when you're in em
It's the rage that's the culprit, controls you both

So they say it's best to go your seperate ways
Guess that they don't know ya
Cause today that was yesterday
Yesterday is over, it's a different day
Sound like broken records playin' over
But you promised her next time you'll show restraint
You don't get another chance

Life is no nintendo game, but you lied again
Now you get to watch her leave out the window
Guess that's why they call it window pane

[Eminem - Verse 3]

Now I know we said things, did things, that we didn't mean
And we fall back into the same patterns, same routine
But your temper's just as bad as mine is, you're the same as me
When it comes to love you're just as blinded

Baby please come back, it wasn't you, baby it was me
Maybe our relationship isn't as crazy as it seems
Maybe that's what happens when a tornado meets a volcano
All I know is I love you too much to walk away though
Come inside, pick up the bags off the sidewalk
Don't you hear sincerity in my voice when I talk?

Told you this is my fault, look me in the eyeball
Next time I'm pissed I'll aim my fist at the drywall
Next time there won't be no next time

I apologize even though I know it's lies
I'm tired of the games I just want her back
I know I'm a liar if she ever tries to f**kin' leave again
I'ma tie her to the bed and set this house on fire


Tuesday, August 24

+ Sayang Papa ^___^

Harini kita menaip lebih dari satu entry yea murid-murid. Selepas bercerita hal kebosanan, mari kita cerita hal berangan. Eh, takdelah berangan sangat. Sebab macam dah jadi kenyataan dah pon. (lalala..) Gambar di atas adalah telefon yang biasa-biasa digunapakai oleh mak-mak dan pakcik-pakcik di rumah mahupun pejabat. Perkhidmatan talian. Sewaktu zaman persekolahan, saya tak pernah dibekalkan talipon bimbit. Pertama kali saya guna telefon selain daripada telefon rumah biasa ialah sewaktu tingkatan 3, iaitu hak milik kekal ayahanda saya. Beliau punya nombor talipon bimbit berkenaan adalah 010-**09*65 ya. A'ah memang 010 starting nye. Tidak diketahui talian alien mana dan yang pasti bukan Celcom, Maxis, Digi, U-mobile mahupun I-Talk. Seperti kita sedia maklum, ada segala bagai jenis dan saiz talipon bimbit dan rupa talipon bimbit pertama yg ku kenali ini adalah gedabak. Siapa-siapa yang tak pernah tengok secara live memang rugi. Hahaha. Ok tak rugi sangat pon senanye. Sebab wlaupun takpernah ada niat nak beli, kompem2 semua pernah tilik, tatap dan tenung botol air bentuk telefon bimbit tu kat kedai. Kan?

Sebijik seketul macam neh

Betol tak tipu. Cuma gambar hanjing kat screen tu sah-sah la tipu kan. Dia punya kebolehan setakat macam screen calculator je. Okay sambung. Asal beliau balik rumah je, sayalah tukang operator. Sebok je nak jawab talipon bimbit gedabak neh. Hahaha. Kalau terlepas dari tangan hempap kaki, sumpah sakit nak menangis. Tapi tak jadi nak nanges sebab nanti kene tanya pulak kenapa. Dah jawab nanti kene tibai tak pasal-pasal. Sukahati je maen terlepas-terlepas handpon. Handpon ok. Mahal kot time tuh. Err..

Lepas dah habes skolah, saya masok program matrikulasi aliran hayat. Ramai dok heran pasai apalah saya aliran sains hayat. Oih, padan ape? I pon ayu dan lemah lembut ok. Ya, takde kaitan pon dgn talipon bimbit. Tapi saya diberi sebuah handphone waktu nih la. Meng-gedik habes. Then, lepas dah tengok orang len punya handphone lagi canggih, I gedik separuh jalan je. Segen nak gedik sampai habes. So inilah rupa handphone yang tak berapa nak bergedik sangat.

Pakai handphone ni sampai masok universiti. Adalah sampai 2tahun lebih. Masa dah second year tukar yang baru. Beli pakai duit PTPTN. Hee.. Pon brand Nokia jugak. Tapi yang ni beli sendiri you. Tapi tak jugak, sebab pegi beli dengan Bonet a.k.a Ain. Hehehe
Aku suka handphone ni.

Eh, saya suka talipon bimbit ni. Shomel je ala kepunyaan si gi-girl habes. (ape aku merepek ni) Functions boleh tahan la sebab masa tu saya hanya tahu helo-helo, text msg, layan lagu and snap-snap gambar je. Itupon tak berapa nak pakar. So kira agak sukalah pertama kali ada handphone boleh snap-snap gambar a.k.a "camwhoring" (no idea mana dtg word neh)

Malangnya naseb dia tak lama. Dalam setahun dua dah mula buat pe'el. Sound hilang lah. Speaker rosak lah. Alih-alih boleh texting je. Pastu gagal terima isyarat pulak. Maksudnya memang dah punah dala. Ape guna talipon bimbit kalau takleh terima isyarat kan? Heh. Dengan itu, lahirlah Sony Ericsson w580i. Wow..ada function mp3 tau nyah. Hehe. I like this one jugak. Megapixel untuk snap-snap pon boleh tahan. Tapi paling best layan lagu la.

Seriously sayang amat handphone ni. Last-last rosak jugak. Tahap rosaknya agak melampau sebab walaupun screen je black out, tapi kaitannya banyak. Call in call out boleh. Hantar mesej terima mesej boleh. Dengar lagu mp3 pon boleh. Cumanya kena tahu mana nak tekan. Call masok jawab je sebab tak nampak siapa yang call. Mesej kompem-kompem takleh nak baca. Miskol lagi lah. Nak cari contact numbers,haihhhh..Lingkup!

Naseb badan, rosaknya lagi sikit nak tamat pengajian. Lepas tu balik rumah takde handphone baru dah. Pakai je yang lame ntah siapa punya. Tak ingat pulak nama model nye jadi tak dapatlah nak google. Pastu rosak jugak sebab takleh bukak langsung. Asyik mati je baterinya. Pakai pulak nokia1100 adik tapi mic nye rosak. Kalau orang call, kita je dengar dia cakap. Dia tak dengar kita pon. Hehehe. Tapi kita suka dengar suara dia,tapi dia selalu marah-marah kita. Y_Y 

Namun begitu, dia baik hati hadiahkan kita talipon bimbit baru. Kita tak suspect ape pon mula-mula tu. Surprise habes. Kita suke. Hehehe. Kita gedik kan? Tak jugak. Sebab jumpe resit harganya. Hahahaha. But still, Terima kasih en.hatimanis. ^______^

+ after depressed


Senanye takde sebarang depression pon
Semua baik-baik, elok-elok, molek-molek je
Sedang-sedang la kirenye

Sebagai pengganggur sepenuh masa
Sementelah bulan ramadhan ni
Sebaiknye kita beramal ibadah
Saya mengaku saya kurang berbuat demikian

Memandangkan alat elektronik bernama
Sudah sekian minggu dihantar repair
Makanya waktu-waktu lapang saya
Diberi perhatian asyik pada bende yg dok hadap neh

Macam-macam bende boleh tilik
Janji bukan bende najis

Sebagai anak gadis yg meningkat dewasa
Kita cenderung untuk beralih minat
Mungkin sesuatu yang lebih matang
takpon makin menjadi bebal


Aku nak cite bende yg aku dok maen
Hari-hari aku maen bende alah ni
Aku buat segala test dan experiment
Kononnye impress tgk kuasa mekap
betol nyah..
Akak mmg impress sama mekap..heh! -_-''


Bila cakap hal mekap neh
I tak reti sangat la you
Sebab en.hatimanes cakap
I pakai bedak pon mcm pkai tepung jagung
ke tepung gandum ntah..ah,biarkan!
Jadi bila aku maen game ala-ala make over ni
Wah..wah..teruje youuuu..heheh :P
(teruje berhari-hari snanye)


Takperlu beria sangat la kan
Sebab model dlm games tuh mmg dah cun
Meh sini nak tunjuk satu-satu


Mula-mula inilah gambar model adik manis berkenaan

Kemudian aku pilih kulit,
and bedak,
and blusher,
and kening sekali.

tengok sebelah menyebelah lebih afdal kan?

Kita fokus pada warna mata [pilihan:hijau/hazel]

err..macam takde beza je?..ada,tgk byk kali lagi..

Yelah..bagi kaler biru la..

Tapi aku still pilih hijau..muahahaha xD 
Seterusnya, kita beralih pada bulu mata palsu 
Kemudian letak pembayang mata
(eyeshadow lah...)
Pilih kaler ape yea nyah?kuning ok tak?

Teros kepada bibir..

Dan lebih drastik lagi

Aww..teros nampak jelita..hehehe :D

Spot the differences..??LOL
Dah pakai earings da...

Tada..pakai baju siap!

Ayuh kita tukar rambot dia :D

Shomel jugakk.. ^_^

Tukar ape lagi? Baju lak eh...earing sekali..haha

Meh kita tuka mekap die neh.

eyeshadow and lipstick changed ok.

Macam sama pulak aku tgk

Lips and eyes meng-goda nyah...

Same make up and shirt
Different hairstyles and earings

Different make up

rambut panjang mmg lawa..

Blonde..without eyeshadow and lipstik
Cun dah lips dia tuh..heh! (jeles)  Y_Y


Bosan tak?
Bosan tak?
