Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, October 1

+ hate that i love you so...

Apesal bole jadi camni? Beria kot bengang nanges semalam. Beria je tunggu call yang takde langsung. Beria je ber-ego gile takmau cari dulu. Beria rase terabai. Memang diabaikan pon. Memang takde nak amek kesah pon. Langsung takde detik keh nak tekan butang hijau kat phone tuh? At least type msg ke kan? Huh. Geram. Finally bila dapat call, sembang sikit je padahal, teros hati cair. I just need to know was he never thought of me? Shit. Kejam. Perlu keh nak torture hati ni selame tuh? Perlu keh biar lantak kan diri macam ni. Benci. One call and I melt. His answer that he actually HAVING the thought to call or message me just swept all my sadness away. =_=''

[takmo kawan!]

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