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Saturday, October 30

Recently in love with Oxford shoes and heels

I create three drafts of entry but still not post them yet. All of them were emotional post. Pardon me. Anyway this post is about shoes. FYI, I love shoes and I cant hardly count my shoes at this moment. Too lazy and I'm sure most of the ladies out there cant barely count their shoes either. Normal. ^__^

So these are my current choices of shoes. Drop dead gorgeous okay! LOL











Please take me to the stores right now.
I'm dying to have one of those. Especially that adorable #1, #4 and smoking #8

Another thing is I'm planning to buy oversized shirt too. I dont know how its gonna suit me. Overskinny with oversized shirt? Hurm...

Ok. I'll just buy one on this weekend. :)

Speaking of weekends, I was drooling for Seoul Garden. And of course meeting my precious too. I missed him so bad. Still do and he's not replying my text msg again. Really annoying habit of his =.=" Back then,I was scared to ask for permission from my parents. Actually I always afraid to do that. It wasnt something easy. I hate to feel disappointed. I'll definitely cry of it. But since the timing is matter, I'd ask my mom after she came back outstation. A total ban. "Mengade-ngade". Thats what she said. She was never gonna approve me going anywhere for a trip. Never. I hate it..!!! Whats more to hate, she nagging bout this thing the whole day and telling everyone on each conversation she had on that day. As such I had done terrible things. Real disappoint and anger okay! I wont begging for the NO to turn YES, so dont bother dragging it any longer. Pffttttt~~!!

1 comment:

  1. I love oxford heels too!!! Do you know the brand of these shoes and where I could purchase #3, 4, 5, and 10? I believe I've seen #2 and #9 on Zappos!
