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Thursday, December 23

u guys already own a blog,seriously??

Lets just forget how lazy I am to update this little blog. With all posting stuff that happen this last two months, surprisingly now its gonna open season again. School sessions I mean. Well, as for today Friday at this particular office hour, I figured out all my sisters had create their own blog. Seriously? When did you guys start having the thoughts to seriously have one? At early age of 13 eh? Seriously? Okay. The "seriously" word is annoyed because I type her repeatedly. Anyway, you guys don't have to answer me. But seriously?? haishh =.=''

Me, myself. Never thought to share this blabbering blog to my family. (cross fingers okay!) Not with anyone I know on this earth. (except encik hatimanes). Not a preferable choice because some of my entries are not suitable for them to read =.='' And yet my sis already became the follower. What?? Duhhhh~~!! Fine. Just read and swallow. Telan sendiri-sendiri okay. Jangan nge-ngade nak cerita sana sini pulak. Sekeh nanti huh! Yaya pulak, haishh~ Macam bole dibanggakan write in English. Still, this is not something I cherish. Maybe later I'll change my mind. Maybe post everyday life entry. Maybe just shut this off. Besides, all my post are not readable entries which were quit not readable for them of course. I'm lacking of words now cos I've got to go. 

Sisters: (sing like 'Santa is Coming to town' song)
You better watch out, you better watch out. 
You better not telling mom bout this blog
Cos your sister is coming home now~~

Ahem. Bye!

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