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Wednesday, February 2


Yesterday's flu was sucks. Today its turn to be a fever. I can't barely talk. My voices can't reach the normal tone. But we talked last night. I like when we talk. He makes me feel alive again. Now I remember why he owned me. Thats just because he knows me well. Well enough to know whether its a normal flu or a cry that he heard last night. At least thats what I think. Beauty of love. Just a small thing that makes me smile. Sometimes I realize how he wants to limit pampering me. I don't want to know why. Fullstop.

By the way, I had this anonymous number being calling me last night and this morning and even now. Its a HE. First three miscalls. Then I pick up without saying a word, I heard he wants to talk to Taufek. After hang up he called again and again which is very annoying so I sent a text saying "WRONG NUMBER". Yeah what part you don't understand from those two words? Then he reply claiming his name and I should have know him. Well hello no I don't know you and I'm not Taufek okay. After a while, here come more miscalls. Again and again. Until I received a text message stating my name. WTF? I don't want to know how come he know my name. I never knew guy named like him. Of course this makes me unsecured. So until this evening he kept calling. For the second and last time I pick up and said stop this and by then he admit that we don't know each other so he just want to be friend. And and, after I blabbering, he then admit he got my number from his friend named Syafiq. Hadoi, thats my brother okay. WTH. Bebudak zaman sekarang. Then he's sorry and after few minutes he start dialing my number again. Bodoh punya budak. Nasib baik aku demam. Memang nak makan penyepak la.

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