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Saturday, October 30

Recently in love with Oxford shoes and heels

I create three drafts of entry but still not post them yet. All of them were emotional post. Pardon me. Anyway this post is about shoes. FYI, I love shoes and I cant hardly count my shoes at this moment. Too lazy and I'm sure most of the ladies out there cant barely count their shoes either. Normal. ^__^

So these are my current choices of shoes. Drop dead gorgeous okay! LOL











Please take me to the stores right now.
I'm dying to have one of those. Especially that adorable #1, #4 and smoking #8

Another thing is I'm planning to buy oversized shirt too. I dont know how its gonna suit me. Overskinny with oversized shirt? Hurm...

Ok. I'll just buy one on this weekend. :)

Speaking of weekends, I was drooling for Seoul Garden. And of course meeting my precious too. I missed him so bad. Still do and he's not replying my text msg again. Really annoying habit of his =.=" Back then,I was scared to ask for permission from my parents. Actually I always afraid to do that. It wasnt something easy. I hate to feel disappointed. I'll definitely cry of it. But since the timing is matter, I'd ask my mom after she came back outstation. A total ban. "Mengade-ngade". Thats what she said. She was never gonna approve me going anywhere for a trip. Never. I hate it..!!! Whats more to hate, she nagging bout this thing the whole day and telling everyone on each conversation she had on that day. As such I had done terrible things. Real disappoint and anger okay! I wont begging for the NO to turn YES, so dont bother dragging it any longer. Pffttttt~~!!

Saturday, October 2

+ what?

So what does it mean? Haishh..

Friday, October 1

+ hate that i love you so...

Apesal bole jadi camni? Beria kot bengang nanges semalam. Beria je tunggu call yang takde langsung. Beria je ber-ego gile takmau cari dulu. Beria rase terabai. Memang diabaikan pon. Memang takde nak amek kesah pon. Langsung takde detik keh nak tekan butang hijau kat phone tuh? At least type msg ke kan? Huh. Geram. Finally bila dapat call, sembang sikit je padahal, teros hati cair. I just need to know was he never thought of me? Shit. Kejam. Perlu keh nak torture hati ni selame tuh? Perlu keh biar lantak kan diri macam ni. Benci. One call and I melt. His answer that he actually HAVING the thought to call or message me just swept all my sadness away. =_=''

[takmo kawan!]