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Monday, January 31

New! New! New!

Dah macam slogan jualan kan? Sebenarnya aku macam bosan dengan blog. Tiap kali sign in nak post entry, tak pernah nak berjaya. Seketul entry je mampu aku post. Aku ingat aku malas dah nak berblog ni. Sebab aku pon tak reti sangat nak meluahkan segala hape yang dalam hati aku ni kat sini. Rasa macam nak maki banyak-banyak je. Lepas tu dah. Setel. Jadi kesimpulan kepada tajuk dia atas adalah, aku nak mula fikirkan cara baru untuk meluahkan ketidakpuasan neh. Macam haram jugak nak pendam lame-lame. Lagi satu, aku tak nak beria sangat dengan segala hal. Aku nak buat gaya seat back and rileks. Ha, happy new year. Bye

Thursday, January 27

emptiness here

Can you feel it?

Friday, January 14

worth trying

Sometimes we have to try doing something we're afraid of. Like risking our trust to someone we think we know them well enough and put a little faith to that. Trust is one hard thing to earn. You can't just hand it over like giving candies to kids for no reasons. That one kid should have done a good thing to be given some candies. But that wasn't really tough for me. I easily give trust to anyone so I end up losing it. The more I gave, the more I'll suffered. Devastating. But one thing I noticed. No matter how much I faced the same lesson, I never learned. Even to the same cased, I couldn't stop myself. Next day I wake up, my heart couldn't stop my teardrops. Feels like the space inside is larger than yesterday.