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Friday, February 25

Nak beli gajet baru

Nak bagitau duet gaji untuk tiga bulan dah  Ehem. I nak beli gajet baru. Huahuahua. 
And the nominees are:
  • Canon eos550D
  • Niko Coolpix P500
  • iPhone4 plan dari Digi
  • Simpan biar berkepuk
Janganlah dikau mencurah duet gaji merata. Sesungguhnya beli kamera dslr adalah yang terbaik.

Wednesday, February 23

Banyak bende kena buat

Penat gile...rase nak maki-maki je...

Tuesday, February 15

Hah! Ape?

Cakap tak serupa bikin. Aku gerenti semua orang paham sangat pepatah ni. Kalau yang tak reti, maksud "cakap tak serupa bikin" ialah ko cakap A buat B. Mula-mula cakap lain lepas tu buat lain. Pepatah yang hampeh ni cenderung dilemparkan pada si pemungkir janji. Ya janji. Benda yang dicakapkan akan dianggap sebagai sebuah janji. Yang paling hampeh, janji ini dicadangkan sendiri oleh si pemungkir janji ni. Contoh nya korang cakap dengan housemate. "Kalau ko nak cendol manis yang jual kat kedai yang jauh gila tu aku boleh buatkan esok. Senang je" Ataupun cakap dengan mak korang "Mak, nanti kalau mak bagi saya kereta honda civic v-tec series yang mahal tu, saya akan bawa mak pergi jenjalan kat Bali". Cakap je beria segala tapi cakap jela kan. Bila tiba masa korang takkan buat pon sebenanye. Lepas tu mula la buat-buat tak reti. Tak pon buat-buat tak ingat. Buat-buat muka sebal. Buat- buat bangang.

Friday, February 4

So sad

The game ended. I can never play his role. Just how mean he is to be able to do it without any concern.

Thursday, February 3

Lets Started A Game

Yup. I already started a game. Simple nice one. I named it as "I am you. You are me". From the name you can already guess how it work. You can play my role and I'll play yours. Basically I can play by myself as long as I play your role very well. Then you'll met yourself. For example, I play your role by not replying any of your text messages until you call me. Or I only answer your call when I notice your call. Not returning your call whenever I got any miscalls. So, the GOAL is to make sure your reactions to those actions is the same way I did (got worried and feel ignored) which was before we play this game. But I don't think you'll play my role any well. But, but if you want to, you can actually play my role. Here's the clue. Try to call me at least one call per day. Pretty much easy right? Good luck.

Wednesday, February 2


Yesterday's flu was sucks. Today its turn to be a fever. I can't barely talk. My voices can't reach the normal tone. But we talked last night. I like when we talk. He makes me feel alive again. Now I remember why he owned me. Thats just because he knows me well. Well enough to know whether its a normal flu or a cry that he heard last night. At least thats what I think. Beauty of love. Just a small thing that makes me smile. Sometimes I realize how he wants to limit pampering me. I don't want to know why. Fullstop.

By the way, I had this anonymous number being calling me last night and this morning and even now. Its a HE. First three miscalls. Then I pick up without saying a word, I heard he wants to talk to Taufek. After hang up he called again and again which is very annoying so I sent a text saying "WRONG NUMBER". Yeah what part you don't understand from those two words? Then he reply claiming his name and I should have know him. Well hello no I don't know you and I'm not Taufek okay. After a while, here come more miscalls. Again and again. Until I received a text message stating my name. WTF? I don't want to know how come he know my name. I never knew guy named like him. Of course this makes me unsecured. So until this evening he kept calling. For the second and last time I pick up and said stop this and by then he admit that we don't know each other so he just want to be friend. And and, after I blabbering, he then admit he got my number from his friend named Syafiq. Hadoi, thats my brother okay. WTH. Bebudak zaman sekarang. Then he's sorry and after few minutes he start dialing my number again. Bodoh punya budak. Nasib baik aku demam. Memang nak makan penyepak la.

Tuesday, February 1

Cause you're the apple to my pie

You never know how you make me feel
Each time I'll be with you
Each time you came back to me
I wish the time stops.

You're the apple to my pie
Never be perfect without you
You're the apple to my pie
Never had a taste without you
You're the apple to my pie
Didn't even exist without you

You're my apple pie.
My smoke to high.
I know I love you right.
Till the day I die.

when everything became a routine

There's a lot to say. There's a lot to dream. But I only waiting here alone. Wishing you'll start giving your damn attentions for me. Times that passing by pull things away from us. I wonder whether you realize this. I myself, dragging to the ocean of sensitivity where I couldn't be less cares by you for even a half day. I prone to feel a slight ignorance from you than any of your caring acts. Yes. I'd highlight the ignorance more than the caress. Was I ungrateful? Probably the answer is yes. Could it be more wrong? I'm just a woman who needs caress and attentions from the one I want more than anything. Don't you understand? I am much more liking you staring at me and notice to mention the difference I did before we meet rather than finish up our date as a routine and going back feels missing you again. And then, "Tertido" was the best excuses can be made for not answering the phone or reply any text messages. I hate it when you never reply my text. The fact that you hardly returns my call, it hurt so much. Why do I kept feeling this way? Why do I have press all these in my head? I should just make myself free. But I cant. You owned me. Thats just the reasons you keeping this game with me. Fun isn't? Funnier maybe. I bet you never had all these cross your mind.