Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, May 30

+ tak kire2..nak jugak tunjuk!

dah cakap dah
memang diorang nih ada rupe same
yela bukan same betol
tapi still macam same kan

Tuesday, May 25

+ MOVIES on the BOARD..!!! hahaha

I like Cameron Diaz. She's unique! ;)

+ Looks cool ^_^

I like white shirt. Its sexy!haha
but the shoes..hurm
maybe the one from Jefferson store is better
is it..? :)
Is this a baggy pants?harem pants?
I have no idea but these outfit looks cool.nice!!
and the hair looks cool too.is it? ;)
I definitely meant coat blazer like this
superduper cool.errghh! O_o

Monday, May 24

+ Spot The Different

So much different actually.LOL
but my eyes spot them such a look alike

Picture A

Hollywood vs. Bollywood
Eminem the Hollywood rappers and
Amir Khan the Bollywood actor
and what makes it similar is I like them both :)

Picture B

left:Eja(Malaysia)right:Diya Mirza (Bollywood)
left:Diya Mirza (Bollywood) right:Eja (Malaysia)

I just watch ALAG, film from Bollywood and my eyes capture Diya Mirza look alikes to Eja. Well, decide yourself which is prettier. :)

Picture C

This is my fav! LOL..They are not look alike at all.I dont know. I just patch them together to see the different.LOL

Sunday, May 23

+ my desire that i cant resist

i might write it down here
but i cant actually think properly now
bcos i couldnt even know it myself
what is my desire that i cant resist?
all those are unresistable at anytime
but the most unresistable
deSiRe of mine
what the hell could it be..??

from my point of view right now
i'm having this bored-sickness
the full packs of boredom just swing in and out of my brain
and i'm typing this craps here just to define my boredom
do i spell it right?

Tuesday, May 18

+ I am soooo in L.O.V.E

+ We will always be together

that is my oath
that is our oath
for all sour and sweet we had been through
i always knew we will always be true

kepada en.hatimanis

Saturday, May 15

+ SUDAH..!!

SUDAH! sudah! sudah!
apekehal snanye nih..??
beria-ria capital letter segale
ape yang sudah??

sudah malas nak mengh-update

Monday, May 10


I am a girl and that makes me normal for liking
I've heard the sweetest one just now
I'll never forget those words
Its explains just fine for how much it cost for him
And then
I remember a song

"better by boyzone''
I LOVE U mYprecious ^__^

Saturday, May 8

+ sUnDae oN SuNday..?LOL

perfect day for gay!haha
did i told u i like sunday?
i'm sure everyone love sunday
i love sunday morning ^^
the feeling to be woke up in sunday morning
feels so energetic..haha

so..motif entry ini adalah
mari kite pekena sundae chocolate.hek hek

+ Who is LADY AN..??

it was her you know
the voice that i thought was taylor swift
now here it is!! ^__^
LADY ANTEBELLUM from American Idol
singer of the song "need you now"
the beautiful song that i've been searching for
after listen to it for the second time
thank goodness my brother was there
he's the one who told me the song title
i ran to youtube search the song
the minute i found it,its like
aaahh..gladness surround me
such a wonderful feeling
to listen to the song over and over again
it explains exactly how their feeling
for not able to reach each other
how they missed each other
the lyric is awesome but the vc
kind of sad..becos both of them
at the end,they moved on from each other.

feel me through the song! enjoy.. ^_^

bye....signing off

Tuesday, May 4

+ help me find it!

few days ago
on my way home from campus
i listened on traxx.fm
i never listen to other channel
except red.fm
and suddenly there's this one song came out
its a lady's voice
sounds like taylor swift but it wasnt her
she sing about how she need him
that she's never forget him
then there was a guy's voice
more likely of ronan keating but little less (no offense)
he was saying the same thing
but the song sound sooo true
heart it oh!

but something interrupt
can't freeze the radio
and missed all of it
never knew the title
and never heard it anymore

having no clues to find it.sighh

signing off.

Monday, May 3

+ R.I.P

Rest In Peace
after a week of enjoyment
i'm at home
its just past 24hrs
and things seems pretty fine
except that my room isnt in good shape yet
i hav plans in my head
staying at home for 3months
is NOT really enjoyable
i'm sure everyone agreed on that
and whats keeping my mood now
is this pc
hope i can rest in peace here
signing off..